Suzanne’s Testimony
Overwhelming breakthroughs!
I was going through some major hardships but was always consistently at church, honouring people in leadership, serving God in His house, gave my tithes and offerings no matter what my financial situation was and tried to not complain to God about my circumstances. One evening in deliverance, Pastor Maria saw a vision of a flower in a small vase, the flower could not come out of this small vase, it was if it was stuck in there for years but suddenly it broke out and the flower sprung forth and grew magnificently. She spoke that vision and I cried out, the vase broke spiritually and since then there were major breakthroughs in all areas in my life which I can only describe as overwhelming, I could not believe what God was doing all of a sudden in the physical realm but to get these breakthroughs I needed to first break through the spiritual realm as that affects everything we do in the physical! About 8 years ago, a Prophet in church gave me the same message that I was a flower stuck in a vase and could not come out but he said one day God was going to do it for me and it happened in VIC when I was attending deliverance. I never told Pastor Maria about the prophesy and look how God fulfilled it! We were amazed!