Deliverance Church London
Deliverance is a very important part of any church as Jesus says ‘He came to set the captives free.’ In Luke 4:18. Jesus is still in the business today to set His captives free from demonic oppression in this Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry based in Enfield London, UK. The same way in which Jesus set the captives free 2000 years ago is the same way, Victory in Christ Ministries is setting the captives free today. People come to this church from all walks of life and from all areas in London and in the UK to receive deliverance from spirits that are oppressing their lives. The church will offer counselling and discuss the symptoms of the person i.e., what is actually happening to the person spiritually, then a suitably qualified and experienced pastor will sit down with the oppressed and talk about the options that are available but, in most cases, it will be to fast and then attend deliverance service every Tuesday evening at Victory in Christ Ministries from 8 – 9:30 pm. There no man or woman of God will lay their hands on the individuals but will call out the spirit by name and command the demons to depart from their life in the name of Jesus. Many spirits will leave instantly but others which are called strongman will take time to leave and hence the person will need to come a few times for that particular strongman to leave.
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