What People Say, When They First Attend this Deliverance Ministry

Many people ask when they first attend this deliverance ministry based in Enfield, North London, UK what types of spirits they possess that are causing them to do certain things. Well, my question is how long is a piece of string? Exactly, we are unsure but by being willing to go through the process, and having an open heart, our good God will reveal spirits on this part of our spiritual journey. As soon as the Lord reveals the spirit, it is time they come and you are set free in Jesus’ name. Spirits can include the spirit of adultery, fornication, gossiping, lying, theft, Anger, malice, rebelliousness, vindictiveness etc. Or can also have some major strongmen that you need deliverance from in London, UK and they can include the Jezebel spirit, The spirit of Leviathan, and the spirit of Absalom. These are the most powerful demons including the generational curses spirits and very dark witchcraft that may have been done to you such as chains and cages. But Jesus is the great ‘I am who I am’ and nothing is too big for Him. He is more than able to today to cast out any spirit that you may have been the victim of however, you need o have a willing and humble heart acknowledging only he can set you free in His name.

Deliverance Church London

Deliverance is a very important part of any church as Jesus says ‘He came to set the captives free.’ In Luke 4:18. Jesus is still in the business today to set His captives free from demonic oppression in this Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry based in Enfield London, UK. The same way in which Jesus set the captives free 2000 years ago is the same way, Victory in Christ Ministries is setting the captives free today. People come to this church from all walks of life and from all areas in London and in the UK to receive deliverance from spirits that are oppressing their lives. The church will offer counselling and discuss the symptoms of the person i.e., what is actually happening to the person spiritually, then a suitably qualified and experienced pastor will sit down with the oppressed and talk about the options that are available but, in most cases, it will be to fast and then attend deliverance service every Tuesday evening at Victory in Christ Ministries from 8 – 9:30 pm. There no man or woman of God will lay their hands on the individuals but will call out the spirit by name and command the demons to depart from their life in the name of Jesus. Many spirits will leave instantly but others which are called strongman will take time to leave and hence the person will need to come a few times for that particular strongman to leave.



Healing Church Ministry in London, UK

There are many different types of healing: Physical Healing by the use of medication, physiotherapy etc or Spiritual Healing.

As a healing church ministry in London, UK we believe that Jesus still heals today with His power as its says in the Bible in the Great Commission to Heal the Sick, cast out Demons and Preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15 – 18). Jesus did not compromise the gospel but did all that was required of Him and more. He was apostolic, prophetic, a healer, an evangelist, preacher, exorcist and more! As a healing church in London, UK we believe the same that we too should pray for the sick, command spirits out and preach the undiluted gospel of Jesus and as we do this, the Kingdom of God has come among us. The problem today is a) many people seeking healing from sources that are spiritual but not from God. This will bring other problems as they are seeing healing from spirits that are not from the real God of heaven. The healing may come temporarily or permanent but there will be a price to pay for this type of healing. But Jesus never asks for anything back, all he wants us to do is have a relationship with Him by repenting of our sins and asking Jesus to become our personal Saviour. As He healed yesterday, he will do the same today in our healing, apostolic and prophetic ministry church in London, UK

Does the church still heal today? 

The answer to the above question is YES in His healing, apostolic church in London, UK! As the Bible says in James 5:14 that the elders are to lay their hands on the sick, anoint them with oil and pray for the sick. But what should we do to receive this gift of healing?

Repent of all past sins and b) forgive those that have hurt us, these are both very basic yet crucial elements are receiving salvation, healing, the prophecy, deliverance etc in His healing, prophetic and apostolic church in London, UK

Without doing these two very simple things, one may be blocking everything else that God wants to bestow upon you. Look at what Jesus says in Matthew 6:14 that when you forgive other people when they do wrong to you, then your heavenly Father will also forgive you. This does not mean we can forget what people have done to us but we have to forgive them so we can move on and obviously, we do not allow them to hurt us again. As VIC is a healing, apostolic, and prophetic ministry church, we know that you can be healed, prophesied over and sent out to the nations of the world to do God’s work!

Types of Spiritual Healing

I can receive from Victory in Christ Ministries which is a healing, prophetic and apostolic church in London, UK

There are two types of healing we need to ask the Lord for a) Physical Healing b) Emotional Healing. God can and will heal both if we believe in Him, forgive those that have hurt us and repent of all of our sins.

Physical Healing is when you feel pain or the doctors have diagnosed something in your body that you have to have treatment for. Emotional healing is when you feel pain, hurt or even anger with what people have done to you in the past. It’s easy to detect physical pain but not always easy to detect emotional pain….as you may still have deep wounds which you don’t even realise you have and only when you are in a situation the memory of what has been done to you comes back and you feel the pain of that emotional hurt, this is where you need to be healed emotionally and unless you do, some parts of your life cannot move forward i.e., in finding a spouse to get married as you may always feel the pain of what someone previously did to you and hence all the barriers go up, you may become aggressive towards this new person in your life and may even walk out of the relationship before it has even started or worse treat that person badly as you don’t want them to hurt you as you are feeling vulnerable. So when you attend our healing, prophetic and apostolic church in London, UK ask God to heal you of all your wounds both physically and emotionally.

Book by Patricia Gault – I Do, I Do, I Do – Love Always Wins

Order this book from Victory in Christ Ministries in Enfield, North London 

A love story with a heartrending thread, Pat’s long marriage has twists and turns, reversals and finally redemption and new beginnings. In sharing what could have been an everyday story of marital betrayals – and taking the reader through the pain and often the joys of reuniting with her husband, it demonstrates what is possible when forgiveness and faith are allowed to play leading roles in a marriage.

Introduction I Do; I Do; I Do falls into the testimony book genre. It is a memoir, a powerful story of love and forgiveness in the midst of betrayal and heartache. It is written primarily from a wife’s perspective. The strength of this book is the story itself of marriage restoration – all the more amazing because it is true. This book is intended for those who find their marriages are in trouble, but who still love their spouses, and wish to find an alternative route to the finality of divorce … also if divorce has already taken place – this book is for you. And this book is to give hope to those who are in despair – whether you are people of great faith, of little faith, or of no faith at all. I DO; I DO; I DO (Love Always Wins) I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD. Be strong and take heart. Wait for the Lord. (Ps. 27:13-14) These verses have been marked in my Bible over eleven times within a period of twenty years. God’s promises are worth waiting for, even when His timetable doesn’t match our own expectation or desires. (New International Version Bible study notes; author’s emphasis) Who would have ever thought it? Who could ever have imagined when I first set eyes on James, my charming husband-to-be, that we would be repeating our marriage vows no fewer than three times over the course of 37 years? If someone had said this would be the case, I would have lashed out verbally and accused them of being totally deluded, fanciful – not switched on to reality at all.  

Extract from STAND AND KEEP STANDING by Gail Grimshaw

Buy this book now from Victory in Christ Ministries in Enfield, North London 


Here I am, nine years old, sitting round the table with my family and neighbours, doing the Ouija board. 

We had our own homemade board. I am sure a lot of people that we knew had a set of letters and a glass in their cupboard. My neighbour kept hers in a glass cabinet for all to see, it was a regular thing for our family. I would sometimes come home from school, and there would be about six ladies all sitting round the table asking the glass questions, hoping they were going to reach great Aunt Sally, or Cousin Fred. The thing is, the dangers were not known to us, and then we grew up with it as normal, so yes when the glass did move, and it spelt out something, we believed that someone was there. Yes, something was there, but it was not anyone who had died, it was Satan and his demons trying to convince us that this is good, so let’s do it again and again! Is it any wonder that so many strange things were always happening in my home where I grew up?

There was often the smell of cigar smoke on the landing upstairs. Once, I saw a hand come around my bedroom door and turn my light off. When I said, “Thank you Dad”, he had told me later that he had not been upstairs. Mirrors would seem to attack us that were leaning against a wall, but nothing was moved in front of it. We would go ghost hunting round graveyards. Is it any wonder I was afraid of my own shadow and afraid of the dark? I always slept with the landing light on as I had a small window in my room, so the light shone through.  I was always looking behind me scared of what I might see. So many more stories, but I am not going to give the enemy any more of my time.

My childhood was not always a happy one. I did not have a close relationship with my Mother. She never showed any emotion to me, no hugs or affection. I was a modern-day Cinderella and did lots of the cooking and housework. I can remember days when I had to wash the lino in the sitting room, wait for it to dry, then on my hands and knees, I would put polish on the floor. All the time I would have to work around my mum, Nan and three neighbours all sitting drinking tea. She did not want to kiss me, if I went to kiss her goodnight; she would turn her face on the side and put her arm up so I would end up kissing her cheek. I don’t know why she was like that, perhaps she did not know herself, but she behaved differently with my two brothers. 

People have since told me it sounds like emotional detachment. We all have emotional needs as we are growing up, especially as little girls. Little girls need to feel loved and special. They need to have that love from their parents before they go looking elsewhere for it. All children need to feel confident in them and encouraged to feel that they are special. I did not feel any self-worth, I was not confident in anything that I did other than cleaning and cooking. My family were very negative people; I was always told the negative things about me, never anything good. Because of this, I ended up with a poor feeling of my reflection, each time I looked in the mirror.

Extract from Chapter 1, Maid for Purpose, by Carol Stanley

Chapter One

Humble Beginnings

Roza heaved a big sigh and shuddered slightly. She had woken up suddenly with an uneasy feeling that something awful was about to happen. In the darkness, she strained her ears for unusual noises, but all was quiet. She was used to the sound of the night insects and an occasional screech owl; cats and dogs were often vocal too. It was footsteps or creaking floorboards that she was hoping not to hear. As she lay there, feeling anxious, her mind wandered back over the events of the last few weeks. Groups of Syrian bandits had been crossing into Israel raiding rural dwellings and destroying crops, also taking livestock. Some shepherds had been killed defending their flocks of sheep and goats. Her parents had forbidden her to wander alone in the fields in case of kidnap.

Roza was thirteen years of age. She was a beautiful girl, the gentle curves of her body beginning to form. Long black hair, deep brown eyes and a smooth olive skin were her main attractions. Clad in her long dresses, with a veil about her head, she was often seen carrying water from the well, feeding the goats and sweeping the courtyard of her house. Her friends envied her slim figure and small features: a curved mouth that always seemed to be smiling; a finely shaped nose; eyes that made many boys hearts melt. She had a quiet manner about her; slightly shy she was always polite but could be quite outspoken if necessary. This sometimes got her into trouble as in her culture females were not encouraged to express opinions, especially in the presence of men. She thought about things a lot and had ideas of what she wanted to do with her life. Once, Roza had spoken out in front of her parents. “Why can’t I do all the things that boys do?” she had complained. One look from her father had silenced her.

“Be content with your life girl,” he had said sternly. “God has made you a woman so be glad and do not moan!”
It would not be long before her father sought out a suitable husband for Roza; a tingling, weird sensation always filled her whenever she thought of this. Marriage was a mystery to her and not openly talked about at home. A lot of whispering and giggling went on among her friends as they often eyed up the local boys passing on their way to the Chief Elders house for lessons. Girls did not go to school; they were kept at home to do the domestic work until they married and had a home of their own. If they had younger brothers or sisters then they helped look after them so that their mother could go and tend the crops in the fields.

The village that Roza lived in was called Thirza. It was just outside Samaria where the prophet Elisha lived. He was known throughout the land as a man of God who did miracles; people had been healed by him and a widow woman even had her son raised from the dead when she asked Elisha for help. Roza had never seen him but her parents talked of him often.

Her house was a simple brick and clay building. It had two upper rooms, an outside staircase onto the flat roof, then on the lower floor a kitchen, a storeroom, and there was a stable at the back of the building for the animals to be kept in at night. There was a courtyard and a brick wall around the house. A separate small annexe built onto the house was where her brothers slept. There were shutters around the windows which were closed and bolted each evening. The sturdy door to the house gave security to those inside. There was a place for making a fire in the courtyard. This was often used for cooking the meals.

Thirza was small but set in lovely surroundings. Lush fields were surrounded by high hills, and a river ran alongside the clusters of houses. There was a large meeting place in the centre of the village where worship and communal gatherings took place. Sheep and goats grazed in the further fields, looked after by shepherds who sometimes took their flocks to the hills for better pasture. The main well was outside the village and the flocks were watered there in the evenings. It was also a meeting place for women and girls who came to get water twice a day. They had to wait for the shepherds to lift the heavy stone off the top of the well, then after the sheep and goats had been watered, it was their tubibrn to fill their urns with water for the family.

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