The huge scale of human suffering is a major obstacle to Christian belief. How can a good and loving God permit such meaningless, haphazard pain and tragedy? So, Christian apologetics indicated how God is at work to bear the pain, heal sickness and infirmity, create wholeness, transform agonising situations into creative ones, and see death as both a terminus and a transition.

Theological affirmations 

The Christian approach to health and healing is based on convictions about the nature of man, the significance of Jesus and the continuing work of the Holy Spirit and not on the conventional sense.

Christians believe that its God’s world, brought into being by his Word, and sustained by his Spirit. His will is that all his creation should find the harmony for which it is designed: harmony between the many aspects of the human person (physical, mental, spiritual), between man and his fellows and his communities, between man and the natural order, and between man and the source of all value and being, God the Father.

Given the global importance of healing in the Christian vision, and the many forms it takes, it is impossible to provide simple guidelines for Healing Ministry in England and other places. The key thing is that all healing endeavours, offered by the church, should be congruent with our theological vision. Our focus must be on what will restore and develop people’s relationship with God, trusting that this will lead to the healing God desires. Failure to maintain this focus can lead to a ‘results’-based mentality which, too easily, panders to modern illusions about what constitutes well-being. Healing Ministry Church London aims to dispel that. The difference is aptly, if starkly, illustrated by the saying, “Being healed is being liberated to take up our cross and follow Christ.

Every person, despite his or her limitations, is intended by God to experience salvation as seen in Jesus Christ. There is therefore no place for fatalism. No person is ever ‘hopeless.

The symptoms of man’s disease are not all physical. They include guilt, isolation, alienation, lack of love, despair, the breakdown of relationships and, particularly, fear. The potential destructiveness of these elements cannot be overcome by merely physical remedies. Nor can man’s need be met unless there is a readiness to face the realities of life. For that reason – and also because of the relevance of wholeness to health – many forms of healing ministry are needed. Not least among these is the skilled and compassionate help the Church can offer.

This is seen in the deliberate mishandling of God’s world, in the neglect of the needs of fellow men and women, and even in suspicion and hatred of other humans.


Healing Ministry Church Enfield has many testimonies of people getting healed of many ailments – the power of God is flowing but we need to be willing to be received and be in a church where healing is still taking place.